Wren:AM 15.0.0 Released
We're thrilled to announce the release of the anticipated new version of Wren:AM. Following Wren:IDM and Wren:DS, it's now completely independent of the legacy infrastructure, features an upgraded technology stack, and is compatible with JDK 17 (with preparations for Jakarta EE). Additionally, we've addressed a significant number of issues from previous versions, predominantly the security ones. The project remains highly compatible with abandoned community versions of OpenAM, allowing for a seamless migration process, with the added option to leverage Docker images for added convenience.
Numbers worth mentioning include:
- 89 pull requests merged;
- 136 new commits;
- 22 issues closed;
- 27 known AM security vulnerabilities fixed;
- 35 Dependabot alerts fixed;
- 93 security issues (reported by Trivy) fixed.
If you're already running Wren:AM or an unsupported version of OpenAM, we strongly recommend upgrading to get the best out of your access management solution.
List of significant changes:
- Upgraded build pipeline (wrensec-parent, JFrog repository, GitHub Actions)
- Upgraded dependencies (including switch to Jakarta compatible coordinates)
- Added support for Java 17 as the default build and runtime environment
- Added Dockerfile and official images published to Docker Hub
- Fixed ton of security, build and runtime issues
Review all the changes on GitHub.
How to get
Refer to the Getting Started page to learn how to get and run Wren:AM.
Alternatively you can run the official Docker image from Docker Hub:
docker run --rm --name wrenam-test -p 8080:8080 wrensecurity/wrenam:15.0.0